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Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test Manual


Switching costs are context dependent. The language suppression hypothesis posits that the linguistic context of the immediate environment influences switching (Green, 1998). For example, exposure to an English-dominant environment may lead to higher switch costs for the other language, even if the speaker is dominant in the other language. In immersion (L2) contexts, it may be more difficult to switch into the more dominant (L1) language because resources are allocated to inhibiting L1 to allow for second language (L2) learning. In this context, when L2 learners are then asked to uninhibit L1, L1 may be more difficult to access, as compared with those learning an L2 in a nonimmersion context (Linck, Kroll, & Sunderman, 2009). For English language learners in the U.S. context, immersion is often the method by which they learn English. Thus, when being tested in English, they may not readily switch into the native language. Yan and Nicoladis (2009) suggest that low expressive vocabulary scores in bilinguals may not reflect small expressive vocabularies but rather a difficulty accessing and retrieving the appropriate word in the moment of the assessment. These findings suggest that lexical representations in the nontarget language are suppressed, thereby supporting separate administration of expressive vocabulary tests in each language rather than requiring children to respond in both languages during a single administration. It is hypothesized that this method of obtaining a conceptual score would yield higher scores, which better represent their lexical knowledge. Given that vocabulary tests applied to monolinguals are known to have poor sensitivity and specificity, however, we expect that similar patterns will emerge even if conceptual scores are used with bilinguals.

Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test Manual

The Expressive and Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests, 4th Edition are individually- administered, norm-referenced tests with non-threatening formats, and colorful, engaging test plates. New words for both young and older ages increases the utility of these popular tests.The EOWPVT-4 offers a quick and reliable measure of English expressive vocabulary, assessed by asking an individual to name (in one word) the object, actions and concepts pictured in color illustrations. The ROWPVT-4 assesses how well one can match an orally-presented word to a color illustration.Test items are presented in a developmental sequence, starting with the easiest concepts and ending with the less-frequently encountered. Differential starting points, and use of critical-range testing ensures that the test is not overly time consuming.Raw scores are converted to standard scores, percentile ranges and age equivalents. The Record Forms provides a convenient score summary and graph that can be used to compare scores on both the EOWPVT-4 AND ROWPVT-4. The tests were co-normed, allowing a comprehensive assessment of vocabulary. They are not language tests, per se, as they do not assess syntax, grammar or context.The EOWPVT-4 and ROWPVT-4 Kits include a Manual, one easel-bound Booklet of 190 colortest Plates and 25 Record Forms. 2ff7e9595c

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