REPLACE the "common.dat" and "common.fat" files with the ones from this download. This download also contains the original "patch.dat" and "patch.fat" files which are known to be fully compatible. Just in case.
Within C:\Program files\Steam\Steamapps\common\Far Cry 3\data_win32, I backed up the original "common" and "patch" files, and replaced them with the "common.dat" and "common.fat" files with the ones from this download.
Far Cry 3 Original Patch.dat Patch.fat Download
Thread for Request IRC Channel for Modders Far Cry 3 Mod/Pack ... I went back to the original patch.dat & patch.fat then the icons above the enemies head returned.. ... 5A 62 1A 1F 07 71 02 00 9D 10 06 01 1B 42 D1 6D
Note: If you verify files in FC6, some files aren't verified because they aren't present in vanilla installation. So to fix this, please go to game install folder, then to data_final\pc\ and delete two files - patch.dat and patch.fat
In modding everybody at least once mentioned verifying game files. It's a process when the launcher (Uplay or Steam) will check game files and if they aren't original then it will download them again, so it will restore game files to their original state.