The film was shot in Mumbai and Goa. Earlier, Bipasha Basu was offered the part of the leading lady, but she refused. Then Mohit Suri offered the leading role to Asin Thottumkal, who deemed the role of the female lead 'not powerful enough' and also declined the role. The part was then offered to Jacqueline Fernandez, though actress Sonal Chauhan was also considered.[citation needed]
Haal-e-dil Part 1 In Hindi Mp4
After the success of the first two installments, the producers released a third film Murder 3,[26] on 15 February 2013. The film, which was an official remake of Spanish film The Hidden Face,[27] starred Randeep Hooda, Aditi Rao Hydari and Sara Loren in lead roles. However, unlike the earlier parts, it was a flop at the box office.[28] 2ff7e9595c